Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #203

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"Guess who!"

"I'm stumped," Katherine says playfully after a mock pause. "Whoever could it be?"

Nick removes his hands from her eyes and she turns to face him. He examines her, the understated paintings on the living room wall providing a backdrop for the vision. "And how is my beautiful wife doing?"

"Wonderfully," Katherine says with a broad smile.

"Excellent. And I have some news that could make things even more wonderful."

"Oh, yes?"

Nick nods. "Well, possibly ... I just had a meeting with my investment broker."

"Good news?"

"Very much so. He's found a terrific new investment opportunity for me--for us. It's a company he's been following for quite awhile and it looks like it's ready to explode any day now."

"So are you going to invest in it?"

"Absolutely," Nick says. "At least, I'd like to. But I have a bit of a problem." He lets his face droop with regret.

Katherine takes the bait. "Why? What's the matter?"

"I don't have the actual cash to make the investment," he explains sadly. "Everything is tied up at the moment, and in the time it would take me to free up the money I want to put into this company, it would be too late."

Katherine doesn't respond, so Nick takes the initiative to cast another line. "So I was wondering ... if you'd be willing to put in the money."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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