Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #194

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Claire sits with her hands folded in front of her mouth. Her elbows are propped up on her knees. She watches Travis and Samantha on the floor, playing with the same toys they always play with when they visit this house. "God," she says finally, her voice little more than a heavy breath. "I still can't ..."

"I know." Paula takes a seat beside her daughter-in-law on the sofa. The thought that Claire is not actually her daughter-in-law runs through her mind, but she ignores it for now. "I keep wondering when we're going to wake up from this nightmare."

Claire draws another breath and releases it slowly. "We're not. I keep realizing that ... Every time, it's like a knife twists a little harder into my heart."

"Oh, dear." Paula pulls Claire into an embrace. "Why Tim?"

Claire closes her eyes momentarily. "I don't know ..."

The two women sit in silence, together. Travis stands from his spot on the floor with Samantha and waddles as a toddler does over to his mother and grandmother.

"Why do you look so sad?" he asks.

"Because," Claire says, "do you remember how I was telling you that Daddy had to go away?"

Travis nods.

"Well ..." She takes another deep breath. "Mommy and Grandma didn't want Daddy to have to go away. That's why we're so sad."

Paula cups a hand over her mouth and turns away as the tears hit her again.

"Then why did Daddy go?" Travis asks, resting his head on Claire's lap.

"I don't know," she says. Her voice is thin, but she holds it together as best she can. "I don't know."

And they sit there, grandmother, mother, and son, each absorbing the circumstances in whatever way he or she can manage.


What would you like to see happen with Molly, Brent, and Sarah now? How do you think Tim's death will affect the other stories? Share your thoughts at the Message Forum!

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