Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #194

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Andy pulls the car -- an extra from his mother's garage, given the damage that his own car suffered in his New Year's Eve accident -- up into the driveway. He sits for a few seconds after turning off the vehicle, absorbing the strangeness of the situation. Here he is at the home of his new stepfather, a place where his mother may soon be living, for all he knows.

If only I could have stopped her, he thinks for what must be the millionth time since he left the wedding in defeat. But as he has learned all too well in the last couple of days, worrying about that now is not going to get him anywhere. He pushes the thought aside as best he can and climbs out of the car.

He crosses the driveway, still soaked from the rainstorm that raged all last night and well into this morning, and makes his way up to the front door. As he rings the doorbell, he tries to figure out what exactly he is going to say.

Almost instantly, Ryan is standing before him. He can see his new stepbrother looking him over for a minute, trying to place his face, before the connection is made. Andy watches Ryan's recognition of him set in and sees the subsequent confusion of how to react to Andy's visit.

"I need to ask you a question," Andy begins.

Distrust flickers in Ryan's eyes. "Claire better not have--"

"It's nothing like that. I was just wondering when my mother -- and your father -- are supposed to return from their honeymoon." He keeps his tone even, not quite pleasant but a little more than civil.

"Oh. I think my father said next ..." He quickly does the mental computations. "A week from tomorrow, I guess."

"All right," Andy says. He half-turns, ready to leave.

Ryan speaks up before Andy can make his exit. "Hey, do you want to come in for a drink? Maybe we should get to--"

"No thanks."

"O--" Ryan stops. "Is this about what I said about Claire? I didn't mean anything by that, I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated with the whole situation ..."

"That's the least of it, believe me," Andy spits. "And as for Claire -- you stay away from her. There shouldn't be any more of a situation, do you understand?"

"You have no right--"

"Claire is a friend, and I'm not going to allow you or her father to hurt her any more than you already have!"

Andy's outburst gives Ryan pause and he clams up for a moment. But Andy's reaction is not that of someone who knows the full story, he realizes -- at least, he doesn't think so.

"You have no idea," Ryan huffs. "You have no idea about the way things are between Claire and me!"

"I have plenty of an idea," Andy fires back. "I seriously doubt that she will want anything to do with the people responsible for her husband's death!"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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