Footprints: An Online Soap -- Story Recap

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Episodes #91-120

Claire recalled that Ryan was the boyfriend who'd forced himself on her as a teenager. He apologized profusely, begging Claire to believe that he's changed and to accept him as a friend. In reality, Ryan continued to take part in his father, Nick's, mob business, and he also hoped to get Claire to love him again.
She tried to keep Ryan's presence a secret from Tim. When the apartment caught fire and Ryan saved Travis and Samantha, however, Claire felt that Ryan truly had changed. She introduced him to Tim as an old friend. Ryan maintained hope that she'd fall for him again.

In New York, Matt convinced Sarah to allow him to reveal his presence to Andrea. When he was at the Yang mansion looking for clues, the police showed up on an anonymous tip (called in by Steve) and arrested Matt.
Sarah blamed herself for Matt's arrest and vowed to free him. She managed to talk Andrea into allowing her to search the house -- but she, too, was discovered by Steve, who held her at gunpoint! Sarah located the clue that revealed the truth: A cancelled check from Steve to his neighbor, Ed, that showed that Ed was paid to commit the crime and frame Steve.
Matt was freed and Steve went to jail. Matt bid Andrea farewell and returned to King's Bay with Sarah.
Back in King's Bay, Molly and Brent had grown closer. Brent became frustrated with his marriage as he and Sarah failed to communicate. Molly finally got a job at Willis Advertising.
One night, the two shared a dinner, which Molly prepared for Brent at his and Sarah's apartment. Unfortunately, Sarah arrived home in time to hear Brent lamenting that his marriage might be over. Thinking that Brent was betraying her with Molly, Sarah seduced a too-willing Matt. Meanwhile, Molly went against herself and told Brent not to give up on Sarah.
The next morning, both regretted their night of passion. Sarah rushed home to Brent and they began to work on a reconciliation and finally made love, leaving a dejected Matt pining for her.

Helen suspected Sally's newly arrived son, Alex, might be Don's, but Alex assured her that was not the case. The truth was that Sally had cheated on Don, and her affair had produced Alex, which was the reason that the couple divorced.
Sally continued to pursue Don in Paris, to no avail. In one of his blackout phases, it appeared that he'd stolen a painting from a famous museum! The duo struggled to return it, and Sally found some stolen moments with Don as his personality fluctuated. Eventually they learned that the painting was still in the museum -- Don had painted a copy at the hotel and then blacked out. They finally returned to King's Bay after learning that Don needed to eliminate stress to recover (his mood swings were a result of his fall from the ladder).
Helen was chilly to Don when he came home. He moved into the King's Bay Metropolitan Hotel, hoping to forge a reconciliation. Sally still harbored the dream of finding happiness with Don. Meanwhile, Alex became good friends with Courtney and Jason, as well as Lauren -- who developed a crush on him.

Katherine's plan to have record exec Roberta Owens lure Danielle away from King's Bay--and Andy--with a recording contract was proceeding slowly. Danielle accepted the contract, which would send her away on tour for a year, but did not break her engagement to Andy. Katherine grew increasingly frustrated.
Things got worse when Roberta began to defy Katherine and show interest in Andy. Katherine walked a tightrope as she tried to keep the woman away from her son without offending her. On a break from her tour, Danielle came back to King's Bay. She told Andy how much she hated touring, and confided in Molly that she feared the tour was putting a distance between herself and Andy.

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