eases the 1993 Ford Taurus
up to the red traffic light. She glances around anxiously, watching the
green light for the intersecting street. Just a few more blocks ...
Impatiently, she takes in what she
can see of downtown King's Bay from her spot at the intersection. The water
is only a few streets down. She can see the bay reaching out to the horizon
now, the moon dangling up above.
She can't wait to share the news.
The minute that she got the call, she felt like doing something a little
spontaneous. Why just head straight home at a time like this? No, a surprise
would be much better.
She taps her fingers against the
steering wheel, trying to wait out the red light. This car ... She's grown
so tired of it lately. Not that it's in bad shape, but she'd love to have
something newer. Something a little more fun.
Maybe that will be possible now.
The tingle of excitement returns.
She breathes a sign of relief as the light turns to green. Her blood starts
pumping faster again as she steps on the gas. Just a few more blocks until
she can share her news ...
One .
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Three .
Four .
Five .
Six .
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Around King's Bay .