Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #217

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Courtney grips Jason's hand firmly as he helps her out of the car, but then she breaks away. "Would you please tell me where we are?"

"You'll get to see in a sec," he says, grinning to himself as he stares into the blindfold that is covering her eyes.

"I could rip this thing off if I wanted to," she announces. "And if it messes up my hair--"

"Your hair looks beautiful."

"Good," she says grumpily, although it is apparent that she is enjoying the surprise.

He takes her by the hands and leads her out of the parking lot and around the front of the restaurant. They pause on the sidewalk.

"Are we there yet?"

"We just might be," he teases.

"I may have to bash you over the head with my purse--"

"Fine, fine," Jason says. He reaches up with delicate fingers and removes the blindfold. "Ta-da!"

It only takes an instant for Courtney to recognize where they are. "Excellent choice," she says, draping one arm over Jason's shoulders and the other across his front. "Although I did kind of guess we might be coming here."

"The whole formal attire thing was probably a tipoff, huh?"

"Maybe," she shrugs. "Or maybe I can just read your mind."

He raises an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? What am I thinking right now?"

She taps a finger against her lips. "Mmm ... probably how blessed you are to be out with such a breathtaking creature as I. Actually, scratch that. Knowing you, you're already trying to figure out what you wanna eat."

"You can read me like a book," he smiles. "Now c'mon, let's get in there. We can't dilly-dally -- we have other places to be tonight!"

She considers asking what those other places are but figures it won't get her anywhere ... and besides, the surprise thing is kind of fun. She leans in to kiss him, and then they link arms and enter the restaurant.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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