Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #214

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"No, they won't," Paula says firmly.

Claire is already shaking her head. "How do you know that?"

"Because God wouldn't do that to us. He wouldn't take another loved one away from us."

The mention of religion quiets Claire. It was never a significant part of her life growing up and she never took the initiative to become more religious as an adult, but Paula's reliance on it has always fascinated her. She finds herself hoping that it's true, that someone really is watching over and taking care of them.

Somehow she finds it difficult to accept.

"You are a better mother than Diane, you said that much yourself," Paula says. "Any judge will see that. You have to believe that."

Claire's stare is focused straight ahead, at the sprinkling of colors that fills the garden. Somehow it all seems so organized, so cheerful. Just the opposite of everything in her life.

"I want to," she says. "I've been trying to tell myself that Diane is no threat. But after the meeting we had the other day -- it hit me what an actual possibility this is. I can't ignore that."

"Of course not. But it's a possibility, that's all. It hasn't happened and it won't. I'm sure of it."

This isn't the reaction that Claire expected from Paula and it is unsettling her. She had been hoping to have someone with whom she could worry. The words of inspiration aren't making her feel better -- just more alone.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight

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