Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #210

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"Court," Jason says softly, moreso than he intended.

She seems to be struggling to find words as she approaches him. "I'm glad you decided to come," she finally says, leaning against one of the swing set's support beams.

She can tell that Jason doesn't seem sure -- or even have an idea -- of what to say, either. She drops her hands and, unintentionally staring off into space, says, "I'm tired of this."

A prick of panic wails within Jason, but Courtney looks back at him reassuringly.

"I'm tired of having this--this distance between us," she continues. "I'm tired of feeling like we're tiptoeing around each other, and not being able to talk to you ..."

"I'm tired of it, too," he nods. "I ... I'm sorry for getting so weird on you that night when you came by to apologize."

"It's okay. It was dumb of me to expect that everything would be cool just because I decided it was time. You had every right to still be upset with me -- I don't blame you for being mad that night."

Jason accepts the sentiment with silence, not wanting to do anything more active to confirm it.

Courtney comes off the support beam and sits down in the swing beside Jason's. She starts swinging lightly, like he was doing earlier.

"Why is this so hard?" she asks suddenly, again gazing up at the bright pinpricks in the sky.

"Why's what so hard?"

"This whole relationship thing. It's ... ugh ... I never expected it to be so full of weird little things and chances for misunderstandings and all that, you know?"

"Yeah." Lips held tightly together, he nods. "I wonder if it gets easier as you go along."

"I dunno. That'd be nice."

Silence hovers over them. Jason kicks at the bark, scattering the chips and digging a tiny hole.

"Can we just put this behind us?" Courtney says suddenly.

Jason looks up at her quickly. "Really?"

"Yeah." She grasps his hand firmly, brushing her fingers over his familiar skin. "I just--Jason, I want us to be together. I wanna be with you."

"That's all I needed to hear," he says, leaning in to meet her lips.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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