Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #209

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As Paula turns off the sink, she hears the steps of bare feet on the tile of the kitchen floor. She turns and sees Molly, who has changed into a pair of plaid pajama pants and a white tank top. Their gazes meet for a brief moment before Molly pulls away.

Molly reaches into the refrigerator, hidden partially by the open door, and rummages for something. Paula continues to watch her daughter, and when Molly emerges with a bottle of water, she cannot ignore Paula's stare.

"Mom? Are you okay?"

Paula quickly shakes her head, as if trying to free herself from the disturbing thoughts that have seized her mind tonight, and looks down at the dish that she is drying. "Of course. I--I was just thinking ... It was nice to have everyone together tonight, wasn't it?"

Molly delays a moment before nodding. "Yeah, it was."

"I noticed that you got a chance to talk to Claire," Paula says, trying to swim through the murky awkwardness that came into the room with Molly. "She seemed to be doing well, didn't she?"

"Yeah ... Obviously she's still having a hard time dealing with Tim being gone, but she didn't seem as withdrawn as you said she'd been lately."

"No, she did seem better. I think it was good for her to have the chance to talk with you. She's been so removed from all of us ..."

It's clear to Molly what is hanging between them, and it has been gnawing at her mind since before she walked into the kitchen. Now she feels as if she can't ignore it any longer.

"I know where you're trying to steer this," she says suddenly.

Paula is very much caught off-guard and it shows. "What?"

"You want to know what Claire and I talked about when--when I left the dinner table ... Right?"

The older woman struggles with herself and with the memory of Sarah's outburst. "Molly ... I worry about you kids. You know that. And especially since we lost Tim ... I can't help it. And it was pretty clear to me--to all of us--tonight that things aren't quite right between you and Sarah."

"Sarah and I have always been like that."

Paula knows that that's true, but ... this is somehow different, more worrisome. Slowly she says, "What Sarah said -- it could have some serious ramifications. And tonight I got the distinct impression that none of us really know the whole story."

She waits for some confirmation, but Molly offers none. Finally Paula forces out the question: "Did you have something to do with Sarah and Brent's marriage ending?"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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