Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #206

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Andy draws in a lengthy breath and then pushes his words out quickly with the air. "But ... things aren't exactly terrific, either."

Maggie tilts her head compassionately. "Is it more stuff with your mother?"

"Oh, yes."

"No luck in talking her out of staying with that guy?"

"Unfortunately, no. She's completely convinced that he only married her for the most noble of reasons."

"Or she's trying to convince herself of it."

"Exactly." He sighs. "But earlier today, I found out something that may be able to change things."

Maggie looks genuinely excited by the news. "What is it?"

"My mother had money transferred out of one of the accounts we share -- and moved it into a joint account with Nick."

"So you think," Maggie says slowly, "that he's trying to get to her money?"

"I know it. At first, I thought that he really did care about her, but he was being selfish and putting her in danger. Now I'm beginning to think that his only real interest is in business, and my mother just happened to be a convenient source of funding."

"That would certainly explain why he wanted to marry her so quickly."

"Yes, it would. And maybe if I can convince her that he's after her money, she'll be angry enough to leave him."

"Well," Maggie says, "I'll do whatever I can to help you out." The softness in her eyes tells Andy that she is sincere, and that recognition tugs at something inside of him.

"Thank you."

"Glad to be of service." And suddenly her demeanor changes. "But right now, I think I can be of a different kind of service."

Andy eyes her suspiciously, with a hint of humor, trying not to get too ahead of himself. "Is that so?"

"Absolutely. And the first step--" She places a hand on each of his shoulders. "--is for you to put all of your worries aside for the night."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight

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