Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #202

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"Earth to Courtney ..."

Courtney snaps her head around quickly, her dark hair whipping around and landing across her face. She brushes it away, using the moment to stall just a little bit and gather herself.

"Are you all right?" Helen asks. "You looked about a million miles away."

"I'm fine," Courtney says, bringing her hands back together on the kitchen table and focusing her eyes upon them.

"Which I take to be Courtney-speak for, 'Something's bothering me.'"

Courtney shakes her head, still not looking at her mother. "It's nothing."

Helen bustles around in the pantry for a few seconds. She emerges holding a granola bar and unwraps it before she says anything else. "Is it Jason? I thought you two were supposed to be out tonight."

Courtney remains quiet.

"You know you can talk to me about these things--"

"I'm fine!" Courtney snaps.

Taken aback, Helen crinkles the granola wrapper in her hand. She moves to the trash can and disposes of the wrapper. Then she begins heading out of the kitchen.

She pauses just before she crosses the doorway. "I won't push. But I'm seeing you get very defensive, and that tells me that you think you made a mistake tonight."

Leaving her words to work on Courtney, Helen exits.

Courtney drops her head onto the table with a sigh. Her mother's comment swirls through her mind, weaving itself deeper and deeper with each round. And eventually it begins to take definite shape.

Maybe I overreacted.

And before she realizes what she is doing, she is out of her seat, grabbing her car keys off the kitchen counter, and heading out the door.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five

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