Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #201

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"Come on, Molly!" Sarah repeats, her voice hard and coming through gritted teeth. "Admit it! Admit you're in love with my husband!"

Molly just stares at Sarah, not saying anything. Sarah refuses to break eye contact with her older sister. She tries to read Molly's face and is sure she can see victory for herself in there somewhere -- Come on, Molly ...

"Stop it!" Brent interrupts. "Leave Molly alone."

"Shut up," Sarah snaps. "You wouldn't realize what she was up to if she hit you over the head with a billboard announcing it. She's got you wrapped around her finger, just like she wants."

Brent hesitates a moment before he says, "I told you to stop it, Sarah."

"And I told you to back off. I asked Molly a question and I want an answer!"

Finally Molly speaks, though it is as tentatively as possible. "Sarah, you have to understand--"

"I understand perfectly. You're completely head over heels for my husband and you've been waiting for the day you could snatch him up for yourself. I understand, Molly -- I just want to hear you say it!"

"This is insane, Sarah! You're acting like a crazy woman!" Brent cuts in, forcefully.

"Maybe," Sarah says, her words coming out in heavy breaths now. "Maybe I'm completely off my rocker. But I think we all know who shoved me off of it, don't we?"

Brent grabs her roughly by the shoulders. "This is not about Molly! This is about you and me!"

"This is completely about Molly! She's the reason this all happened!"

Brent shakes his head. "No--"

"Yes!" Sarah jerks out of his grip. "I know exactly what's going on, Brent! I know. I have since day one."

"You don't know anything!"

"You're wrong! I know plenty -- like the fact that you and Molly kissed the night we got married!"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five

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