Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #192

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Still trying to seek refuge in the scant sleep he has achieved in the last few hours, Brent is sure he hears knocking. It can't be the door -- who would be here this early on New Year's morning?

But it is the door. He knows this even as he clutches his pillow more tightly to his head, hoping to retreat back into sleep. His heavy eyelids pull open, and the blurry red letters of the alarm clock reveal that it really isn't that early -- 8:13 a.m. He curses whoever it is at the door as he drags himself from the bed.

He reaches the door and leans against it for a moment, trying to collect himself, but another series of quick knocks sounds. Abruptly he pulls the door open.

"Claire," he says in surprise.

"Hi. Sorry to drop in like this -- I know it's early--"

He can tell something is wrong. "Don't worry about it. What's going on?"

"I need your help."

"What? Why?"

"Tim's missing," she explains hurriedly. "He never came home last night. I got in this morning--"

"Where were you guys last night?" he interrupts. "I noticed that you weren't at the party."

"We had something to take care of." Brent's furrowed brow prompts her to continue. "I found out that Nick was having a meeting at the pier, so Tim and Andy went down there to try and find out something that Andy could use to stop Katherine from marrying Nick."

"Did they get married?"

"Yeah ... but I guess Andy rushed out of there to go interrupt the wedding and Tim stayed behind. That was the last anyone saw of him."

"He's not at his parents'?"

"No. I called Paula already. She hadn't seen him at all." She closes her eyes and rubs her forehead. "You've got to help me find him, Brent."

"I'm on it already," Brent promises, reaching to the nightstand for the phone. "Listen, you go get some rest. I'll get to work on this."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"No. Just go rest." He ushers her back out the door. "I'm sure everything will be fine," he says, closing the door.

But even as he begins dialing the phone, the feeling in his stomach is contradicting his words of reassurance.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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