Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #191

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Molly draws a deep breath and covers her eyes with her palms. "It's really complicated, Mom. I don't even know if I can explain it ..."

"Try," Paula urges. "Please. I don't want to allow what's going on between you and Sarah to--"

"I can handle it! Don't worry." Molly sighs heavily and turns away.

Paula is about to do some more gentle nudging when the ringing of the phone pulls her away from Molly. She rises and goes over to the counter where the phone is resting, keeping an eye on Molly as she does so. "Fisher residence," she answers.

"Paula," Claire says desperately.

"Claire. Good mor--"

"Have you seen Tim?"

Paula pauses. "What?"

"Did you see Tim at all last night?"

"No ... I thought I'd be hearing from one of you at some point, but I never did."

"Jeez." Paula can hear Claire's breathing grow heavier. "Okay, can you keep the kids for a little while longer?"

"Of course. They're still sleeping--"

"Great. I just need to -- look, I'll keep you posted, okay?"

"Posted? Claire, what's going on?"

"Nothing," Claire says. "I mean, I have no idea. Tim never came home last night."

Paula draws in a sharp breath. "He didn't?"

"No. Look, I'm going to try to figure out what happened. I'll let you know what's going on once I have some idea myself."

"Okay. I'm sure everything's fine, Claire."

"Bye." Claire hangs up abruptly.

Paula slowly sets the phone back down on the receiver.

"What was that?" Molly asks.

"Tim ... he never came home last night," Paula reports, concerned shock already flooding her face and her voice.

"Where was he?"

"I have no idea. Claire didn't tell me much, just that she was looking for him." Paula closes her eyes. "I knew something was off when they asked me to take the kids last night. I knew something strange was happening, because they wouldn't have skipped the party otherwise."

"I'm sure everything will be fine," Molly tries to reassure her, although her own conviction sounds less than genuine.

"I hope so." Paula takes a few of what are supposed to be calming breaths, to no avail. "I really hope so."


What do you think happened to Tim? Should Molly confide in her mother about the situation with Brent and Sarah? Your comments, predictions, suggestions, and questions are all welcome at the message forum!

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