Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #190

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"Your father?" Claire asks, holding a hand full of trembling fingers to her mouth.

Ryan nods, his lips held tightly together.

For a quiet moment, the information seems to be sinking into Claire's consciousness, but then she snaps her head back and forth sharply. "No. I'm not letting you do this. I'm not letting you rewrite history just for the hell of it."

"I am telling you the truth!" he shouts. "How do you not remember? I'm amazed it hasn't come back to you a thousand times already, after all these years -- I've always sort of expected it to." He pauses thoughtfully and his voice takes on a decidedly more ominous tone. "Or maybe it has and you just don't want to recognize it."

"Stop playing these mind games with me!" she protests, throwing up her hands and turning her back to him, although he sees that momentary pause of consideration before she speaks.

"They're not mind games. This is the truth, plain and simple. You have to believe that." He reaches up tentatively and touches a hand to her shoulder. It seems as though she is going to accept the gesture and his hand begins to settle down, but she jerks away suddenly and violently.

"Get the hell off of me!"

"You have to believe me, Claire."

She doesn't say anything. At first he thinks it is another of those pauses, and in a second she is going to explode. But the explosion doesn't come. There is something about the intensity with which she remains focused in the other direction that makes it clear to Ryan what is happening.

"You do remember, don't you?"

The only response he receives is a quick shake of the back of her head.

Inside that head, though, things are anything but simple. The images are replaying themselves, washing over Claire one after another, over and over again. They're the same memories she has always had: bits and pieces, never a complete scene, just flailing and screaming and pain and shame all crashing into one another in a quick sequence of flashing images.

Only this time, something is different. The face -- she can see it. The hands feel the same as they pin her down; the breathing is the same, heavy and hot and sickening; but the face is there now, and it's different. It isn't the distorted image of a teenaged Ryan that has always floated over the top of these images. It's Stan, his face clear and filled with something that terrifies Claire even through the distance of all these years.

"You are remembering. I'm telling the truth, aren't I?" Ryan calls out to her.

Suddenly she whips around, her face crunched up and her teeth clamped down over her lower lip. Ryan reaches out to grasp her -- he doesn't know why, it just happens -- but she pushes right past him.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he says. "I never did."

"Damn you," she growls through pooling tears as she retreats to the other side of the cellar. She sits down on a crate, her back to Ryan, and he watches as the erratic spasms of crying overtake her body.


What will these new developments mean for Claire, Tim, and Ryan? What will come of Katherine's marriage to Nick? And what do you think of Andy and Maggie? Share your predictions, comments, and questions at our Message Forum!

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