Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #81

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Episode #81
The Day After #80



DR. SMITH is filling out paperwork at his desk when there is a knock on the door. Looking up, he finds SANDY waiting in the doorway with a smile on her face.

SANDY: Hey there.

DR. SMITH: Ah, it’s good to see you, dear!

He motions for her to come closer. She obliges.

DR. SMITH: So what brings you here?

SANDY: I just finished up at the rink, so I thought I’d come and pay my fiancé a little visit.

DR. SMITH: Now that’s a good plan, if ever I did hear one. (pause) So how has your day been so far?

SANDY: Not bad ... Apparently Courtney and Jason are in the middle of some kind of argument, so things were a little tense, but other than that, everything is fine.

At the mere mention of Courtney Chase’s name, Dr. Smith grows uneasy.

SANDY: Is something the matter?

He freezes, knowing full well that Sandy can read his face better than almost anyone else.



The sound of the doorbell ringing resonates through the empty room, and for a brief moment nothing at all happens. Then, in a flash, MOLLY rushes down the stairs, clad in warmup pants and a sweatshirt, her hair undone. She pulls the door open and is visibly affected by who she sees.


BRENT gives her a half-smile.

BRENT: Hey yourself.

MOLLY: So what brings you by?

BRENT: Actually, I came to see Jason. He had called me about checking up on Shannon in the institution, so I did a little maneuvering and managed to find out that basically, she’s not allowed to do anything without supervision.

MOLLY: ... meaning she can’t be the one doing all this stuff to the Chase family.

BRENT: Exactly.

MOLLY: He, uh, he’s not here right now.

He examines her for a instant, noticing the general look of distress in her clothing, her hairstyle (or lack thereof), and her mannerisms.

BRENT: You okay?

MOLLY: Yes -- no.

Brent raises an eyebrow at her cockeyed answer.

MOLLY: Everything is just really weird right now.

BRENT: Anything I can do for you?

MOLLY: No, no.

BRENT: Something’s really wrong, isn’t it?

MOLLY: Okay, you got me. (pause) As seems to be my style, I’m having a little bit of trouble in my personal life yet again.

Brent tilts his head sympathetically.



Having just showered, DANIELLE is now fully dressed but still brushing her hair. The telephone rings and she dashes over to it, aware after several weeks of hotel living that any calls that come to the room carry some semblance of importance.


On the other end is ROBERTA OWENS, the record executive Danielle met with previously.

ROBERTA: Danielle? This is Roberta Owens from Sonic Sound Music--

DANIELLE: Oh, hi! How are you?

ROBERTA: I’m fine ... and you?

DANIELLE: Same here.

ROBERTA: Listen, I was wondering ... Have you reached a decision regarding the contract I offered you?



DR. SMITH rises from his seat, swallowing as he prepares to lie to SANDY for what must be the millionth time in their relationship.

DR. SMITH: No, nothing is bothering me. I--I was just thinking about the other day, when Courtney and her friend barged in here and accused me of all those horrible things.

SANDY: They jumped to a careless conclusion -- that’s all it was. Don’t worry. I’m sure we set the record straight.

DR. SMITH: Oh, I don’t doubt that. It’s simply--this sounds kind of foolish since I really don’t know her very well, but I’m a little worried about Courtney.


DR. SMITH: Something is obviously nagging at her. She’s ready to snap.

SANDY: I know what you mean. All these crazy, terrible things have been happening: her father fell off a ladder and wound up in a coma, their tires were slashed, she received a death threat ...

DR. SMITH: It just seems as if she’s desperate to pin this all on someone.

SANDY: I can’t blame her. If someone were after you, wouldn’t you be dying for a conclusion -- any conclusion -- just so you could live a normal life again?

DR. SMITH: Of course. I just hope she doesn’t stir up more trouble for herself along the way.



BRENT steps fully inside the house, though MOLLY still holds the door open.

BRENT: You need someone to talk to?

MOLLY: Oh, don’t worry about it. I’m sure you’ve got tons of things to do--

BRENT: Actually, my day is pretty empty. So if you need a shoulder to lean on ...

MOLLY: ... you’ll be here. (pause) As usual.

She smiles.

Brent shuts the door, making his intention to stay definite.

BRENT: So what happened?

MOLLY: Sit down. This could take a while.

He seats himself on the sofa and Molly does the same.

MOLLY: All right ... I found out something about Brian that basically ruined any chances we ever had of being together.

BRENT: He’s married?

Molly shakes her head.

BRENT: Evil twin?

A grin crosses her face as she again responds negatively.

BRENT: Then what?

Molly collects her breath as she prepares to dive into the story of Brian’s betrayal, finding herself wanting to just get it out -- whether for the purpose of simply sharing her pain with someone, or out of the need to be consoled.



DANIELLE stands with the phone to her ear, saying nothing. On the other end of the line, ROBERTA appears concerned.

ROBERTA: Danielle?

DANIELLE: Yeah, I’m still here. (pause) You know, I’m sorry, but I haven’t been able to make a decision yet.

ROBERTA: That’s too bad.

DANIELLE: It’s a great offer, but I’m not sure if I can just leave everyone and everything for a year and expect it to be the same when I come back.

ROBERTA: Of course not. (pause) Well, why don’t you think it over and get back to me when you’re ready?

DANIELLE: Okay, thanks.



Danielle hangs up the phone. She slowly shakes her head, knowing that whatever she chooses, some sacrifices will have to be made.


Back in her office, ROBERTA also hangs up the phone. After a quick moment of thought, she picks it up again and dials another number.

ROBERTA: Yeah, it’s Roberta. (pause) We’ve got some bad news.



BRENT watches MOLLY with compassion in his eyes as she struggles to begin her story.

BRENT: Are you sure you’re ready to talk about this?

MOLLY: It’s not like it’s any secret. Tim and Claire know about it ... so do my parents -- and Diane.

BRENT: Diane?

MOLLY: Just listen to the story and it’ll all make sense.

Brent nods in agreement.

MOLLY: I went to see Brian at work yesterday. As it turns out, he wasn’t at his desk, but the woman next to him said he had gone to see Diane. I went to Diane’s office to surprise him, but I overheard them talking about something ...

BRENT: What?

MOLLY: Brian said that they couldn’t let me find out that he’d helped Diane try to split up Tim and Claire.

BRENT: Are you serious?!?

MOLLY: Totally. I confronted them, but they kept trying to cover. Anyway, Claire and Tim walked by and came in. They said Diane had admitted it all to them a few months ago, but she and Brian managed to lie and hide the truth.

She sighs.

MOLLY: So finally I got Brian to admit it and I ran out of there.

BRENT: I don’t believe it. (pause) That jerk!

MOLLY: I know. You know, the worst part was that after Sarah encouraged me not to blow things with Brian because of all my weird little fears, I started to think of how nice things could be with him. I was thinking, if I couldn’t have--

She cuts herself off, realizing she nearly said too much.

BRENT: If you couldn’t have what?



KATHERINE is speaking on the telephone, the lines in her face forming a picture of distress.

KATHERINE: What’s the problem?

In her office, ROBERTA OWENS paces with her portable phone in hand.

ROBERTA: I just spoke to Danielle Taylor ...

KATHERINE: She rejected the offer, didn’t she?

ROBERTA: No -- but she wasn’t able to give me an answer. She said there are so many sacrifices she’d have to make, whichever option she chooses.

KATHERINE: Blast her! I was sure she’d accept this contract! It’s the career break she’s been waiting for for so very long.

ROBERTA: Maybe she really does love your son too much to leave him.

This possibility only serves to deepen the wrinkles in Katherine’s brow.



BRENT watches in confusion as MOLLY fumbles with words, trying to find the right ones to cover her slip-up.

BRENT: If you couldn’t have what, Molly?

MOLLY: No, I was just thinking ... I’m always going to carry the pain of what Craig did to me. I’m never going to be perfectly comfortable trusting people again. But if I can’t have that total security, I could at least have someone who cared for me and who I had built trust in.

Despite this muddled answer, Brent seems to understand what she is getting at.

BRENT: So you went over there to have a fresh start with Brian?

MOLLY: Sort of. I decided I was going to give this relationship a shot -- I mean really, truly give it a chance. (pause) But then, of course, I heard him talking to Diane ...

BRENT: At least you found it out now, Molly.

She shrugs, seeing this as insignificant.

MOLLY: How could I be so stupid? I mean, I let Craig nearly kill me, I got close to Brian even though he was working to ruin my brother’s life ... What is wrong with me?

BRENT: There’s nothing wrong with you, Molly.

He puts his arms around her, a move that seems to surprise her more than a usual hug would. As he holds her, Brent continues to speak.

BRENT: There’s nothing wrong with you at all.



SANDY is now seated on the edge of the desk. She and DR. SMITH have now been talking for quite some time, and the conversation has moved away from Courtney Chase. Still, he looks troubled.

SANDY: You know, I really should get going. I have about a million things to do today.

DR. SMITH: I know the feeling.

SANDY: So, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna be heading on out of here.

DR. SMITH: Go right ahead.

She leans over the desk and gives him a kiss.

SANDY: We’re still on for dinner tonight, right?

DR. SMITH: Yes, of course.

With a final wave, Sandy exits.

DR. SMITH: (to himself) Dammit! Courtney Chase is digging too deep -- she’s getting too close to the truth! What am I going to do?

Without another thought, he picks up his cell phone and dials a number.



BRENT holds MOLLY in his arms.

BRENT: Molly, don’t even give that guy a second thought. You’ll be fine.

MOLLY: You’re missing my point, Brent. How am I supposed to ever trust anyone again -- especially enough to have a serious relationship with someone?

BRENT: Not all guys are like Craig and Brian.

She looks up at him for a second while his eyes are focused elsewhere in the room.

MOLLY: (somberly) I know.

BRENT: You are going to find the right guy, Molly. A guy who loves you and wants nothing more than to make you happy. (pause) But until then, you’re going to have to sift through ridiculous amounts of not-so-good choices.

MOLLY: Not-so-good? Just be thankful I haven’t married Ted Kaczinsky yet!

Brent snickers. At the same time, she sits up, removing herself from his arms.

MOLLY: What am I supposed to do now, Brent?

Before he can answer, the doorbell rings.

MOLLY: Hold that thought.

She stands and makes her way to the front door. Immediately upon pulling it open, anguish spreads over her face.

MOLLY: What are you doing here?



DR. SMITH is speaking on his cell phone in hushed tones. As he speaks, he is sure to close the door to his office.

DR. SMITH: I’m telling you, she’s dangerous. (pause) Do you think it’ll be necessary? What does the boss think about this? (pause) Fine. I know it’s complicated ... believe me, I’m aware of that. (pause) All right. Goodbye.

He flips the phone shut and simply stands there.

DR. SMITH: (sotto voce) I hate to do this, Courtney. (pause) I really hate to do this. But if something must be done, then I guess it must be done.

The grim expression on his face barely moves at all as he remains in place, pondering his next move.



KATHERINE is visibly troubled by what ROBERTA, on the other end of the telephone line, has told her. She continues to hold the phone to her ear but says nothing for several seconds.

ROBERTA: Mrs. Fitch?

KATHERINE: Yes, Roberta ...

ROBERTA: Basically, I’m doubting that Danielle is going to accept the record deal.

KATHERINE: Don’t worry about it. I’m going to deal with this.

ROBERTA: And how do you plan to do that?

KATHERINE: We’re just going to have to make a messy situation even messier.

Katherine’s devious grin is a clear indication that she would enjoy nothing more than to see Danielle Taylor out of her dear Andrew’s life forever.



Without another word from MOLLY, BRIAN steps inside the house.

BRIAN: Look, Molly, we really need to talk.

MOLLY: I’m really not in the mood to deal with you right now -- or ever. Will you just get out of my house?

BRIAN: I know we can work things out -- if you’ll just give me a chance.

At this point, BRENT stands, making his presence known to Brian.

BRENT: She already said she doesn’t want to see you anymore.

BRIAN: This is none of your business.

BRENT: Yeah, I think it is. Anyone who messes with someone as dear to me as Molly messes with me by association.

He pauses, giving Brian a threatening look.

BRENT: Now I suggest you get the hell out of here.

Brian turns his attention back to Molly, who has tears welling up in her eyes.

BRIAN: Molly, just give me five minutes to talk to you.

MOLLY: No! As a matter of fact, I don’t ever wanna see you again, so just get out!

She shoves him through the open doorway, letting the screen door spring back into place before slamming the heavier door.

BRENT: What a jackass.

MOLLY: Thank you for helping me get rid of him, Brent. I really didn’t wanna deal with him now.

BRENT: I don’t blame you. But really, it’s no problem. I wasn’t gonna let him hang around and make things worse for you.

MOLLY: No, really ... thank you.

She hugs him again, now releasing the tears that are brimming in her eyes as they stand in silence together.


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