Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #75

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Episode #75
A Few Days After #74



COURTNEY stands by the island, flipping through the mail that has just arrived. Finding nothing for her, she places the stack down on the counter just as DON enters. He wipes his brow.


DON: Hey ... I’m trying to fix that damn toilet.

COURTNEY: Dad, just call a plumber!

DON: (raising an eyebrow) Are you implying that I’m not capable of fixing that toilet?

COURTNEY: (laughing) Yes! You’re not a plumber -- or even qualified in the least bit to deal with stuff like that.

DON: You’re sounding more and more like your mother everyday.

COURTNEY: Maybe we’re right, mister.

She playfully punches him in the stomach.

DON: (chuckling) Hey, just because I wound up in a coma last time I tried to be a handyman doesn’t mean I can’t fix a toilet.

Courtney’s expression suddenly turns somber at the mention of her father’s recent accident.



ANDREA enters with two glasses of wine. She hands one to SARAH, who is seated on the couch looking through an art book, and sits down in an antique chair.

SARAH: Some of this stuff is beautiful ...

ANDREA: ... not to mention ridiculously expensive. I just don’t see why someone would spend an entire college tuition on a painting.

SARAH: Some people have got money to blow.

ANDREA: So do I, but you don’t see me running around buying everything in sight.

SARAH: Right you are. (pause) I guess everyone’s got different priorities.

ANDREA: Tell me about it.

She pulls her feet up under her, curling up in the chair.

ANDREA (CONT’D): I can’t believe you guys are gonna be heading home tomorrow.

SARAH: Neither can I. This whole thing has been such a whirlwind.

ANDREA: At least you got the job done, right?

SARAH: I’m not so sure about that.

Andrea cocks her head to the right in surprise.



DON puts his arm around the distracted COURTNEY.

DON: I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to upset you.

COURTNEY: Don’t worry about it, Dad. Whether or not you mention it, you getting pushed off that ladder is still gonna be on my mind.

DON: You’re really convinced someone pushed me, huh?

COURTNEY: Of course I am! It would just be too coincidental otherwise. I mean, the window gets broken up at the cabin. You fall off the ladder and go into a coma. And then I get that death threat.

DON: That worries me more than anything. It shows me that someone is truly playing games with you.

COURTNEY: Not someone -- Shannon! I’m positive she’s behind this.

DON: We made sure the people at the institution she’s locked up in knew about all this stuff, and they’ve got her under top lock and key. There’s no way she could be directing anyone to do any of this stuff.

COURTNEY: Unless she had instructions laid out beforehand. I mean, the only thing that’s happened since she got convicted was the death threat. You were pushed off the ladder before that, right?

DON: Right ...

COURTNEY: So what’s to say she isn’t paying someone to do all this stuff on their own?

DON: Nothing, I guess ... but who would it be?

COURTNEY: I have no idea. (pause) Lauren and I did think it might be Dr. Smith--

DON: Dr. Smith?!? Why?

COURTNEY: Two things: First of all, he was suspected of stalking Molly, remember?

DON: Yeah, but it wasn’t him.

COURTNEY: Number two: Lauren saw him leaving the rink the day I got the death threat.

DON: What the hell? Why would he be there?

COURTNEY: That’s exactly what we were thinking. But it turns out he was there to see Sandy.

Don is perplexed.

COURTNEY (CONT’D): They’re engaged.

DON: Whoa! When did this happen?

COURTNEY: Not long ago, from what I gather. Apparently he’s been going through a messy divorce for a long time, and in the meantime they got engaged. They just thought it was better to keep it secret for now.

DON: Boy, I’m really out of the loop.

COURTNEY: (playfully messing up his hair) You’re always out of the loop, Dad.

DON: Gee, thanks.

He straightens his hair, glancing at his reflection in the refrigerator door for guidance.

DON (CONT’D): So that only leaves one suspect.

COURTNEY: Exactly -- Shannon. Now if only we could figure out who’s doing the dirty work for her, we’d be set.

The doorbell rings.

COURTNEY (CONT’D): I’ll go get it. It’s probably Jason.

DON: Ooooooohhhh ...

Courtney sticks her tongue out at him as she leaves to go answer the door.

Once his daughter is gone, the smile fades from Don’s face. It is replaced by a genuine look of concern.

DON: (to himself) I just hope we can figure out what’s really going on before it’s too late.



ANDREA looks at SARAH in surprise.

ANDREA: You still don’t think Matt did it?

SARAH: No. And I’m not gonna buy it until we get some concrete proof. (pause) Why, do you think it was him?

ANDREA: I don’t wanna believe it, but maybe it is the truth. Sometimes it’s the people you think you can trust who are really--

SARAH: Don’t even bother. It wasn’t him.

ANDREA: Have you guys found any evidence other than Ed’s statement?

SARAH: Not a thing. But Brent went ahead and turned it all over to the cops anyway.

ANDREA: They’ll take care of it, Sarah. You guys did what you were hired to do. If there’s nothing more to be found, then there isn’t. And if there is, at least this’ll get the cops digging again.

SARAH: Good luck. Believe me, I know from experience -- if they can finger a suspect, they’re gonna do it.

Andrea sits up, stretching her legs out.

ANDREA: Do you really think so?

SARAH: I know so. (pause) Unless we find something to prove his innocence, Matt is going to jail for this crime.



Holding hands, COURTNEY and JASON come down the stairs into the rec room, which is actually a converted basement. Along one wall is a big-screen TV; towards the opposite end of the room is a pool table.

JASON: So what are the movie selections for today?

He jumps onto the L-shaped couch.

COURTNEY: We’ve got ...

She picks up several videos from the table.

COURTNEY (CONT’D): ... "Good Will Hunting" ...

JASON: Bo-o-oring.

COURTNEY: ... "Romy & Michelle’s High School Reunion" ...

JASON: I think we’ll pass on that.

COURTNEY: Dude, it’s so funny!

JASON: Like I said: Next!

COURTNEY: Okay, there’s also "Armageddon," "The Wedding Singer"--

JASON: Put on whatever you want.

COURTNEY: (raising an eyebrow at his sudden lack of opinion) Huh?

JASON: I said, we can watch whatever you wanna watch.

COURTNEY: Then "Romy & Michelle" it is.

She picks up the video off the table and begins to put it in the VCR when she pauses.

COURTNEY (CONT’D): Are you totally sure you wanna let me put this movie on?

JASON: It’s fine by me.

A wicked grin crosses his face.

JASON (CONT’D): Because I just realized I’m not gonna be watching anything but you the entire time.

She rolls her eyes merrily as she puts the video in the VCR.



Through the open bathroom door, it can be seen that DON is on his knees in front of the toilet, the plunger in hand.

DON: (muttering) What in the world is wrong with this thing? I don’t understand--

His grumbling is interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.

DON: (shouting) One second!

He rises, leaving the plunger in the bathroom as he heads off towards the front door.


DON crosses the foyer, walking towards the door. He pulls it open almost instantaneously, his frustration with the plumbing carrying over to even this simple action.

Once the door is open, though, and he gets a look at who is on the other side, Don’s expression changes to one of pure irritation.



After hearing SARAH’s suggestion that the wrong man may very well be headed to prison, ANDREA hovers on the edge of her seat.

ANDREA: We can’t let that happen!

SARAH: I know. That’s why we need to figure out a way to clear Matt’s name.

Andrea stands, putting her hands on her hips.

ANDREA: But where do we get proof of that?

Sarah shrugs her shoulders, dumbfounded.

SARAH: To be honest, I’m not sure yet. But there must be a clue -- something -- out there somewhere that will lead us to the real crook.

ANDREA: I hope you’re right. (pause) I don’t know which would be worse: him going to jail for a crime he didn’t commit, or me finding out that I was duped by someone I trusted and cared about so much.

STEVE: So who is it we’re talking about?

Both women turn towards the arched entrance of the room, where STEVE is standing with his arms folded.



Through the open door, DON stares at SALLY in annoyance.

DON: What are you doing here now?

SALLY: I just thought I’d drop by and say hello.

With that, she enters the house before Don can protest.

DON: Do you mind? I’m kinda busy here!

He lowers his voice considerably, leaning in closer to speak.

DON (CONT’D): And my daughter and her boyfriend are downstairs. This really--

SALLY: That’s exactly why I dropped by.

DON: What in the world are you talking about? I thought you said you were gonna leave King’s Bay.

SALLY: I was ... but I decided a longer stay was in order. After all, why come all this way to see you and then disappear before we really got a chance to catch up? I mean really, really sit down and talk and just fill each other in on all that’s happened in the years since ... since we last saw each other.

Knowing he won’t be able to talk her out of this, Don simply tries the next best strategy.

DON: That-- that’s fine. Can we do it another time, though? Maybe meet someplace for lunch to talk it over?

SALLY: This is as good a time as any, my dear.

She pushes the door closed carelessly and begins to whirl down the hallway. Don shakes his head, no longer amused by the antics of a woman with whom he was once quite enraptured.



STEVE uncrosses his arms, revealing a partially eaten apple in one hand, as he awaits an explanation from SARAH and ANDREA.

ANDREA: Matt -- we were just discussing how he could be involved in this whole crime.

STEVE: Are you two blind? Of course he was involved! (chuckles lightly) He took the damn jewels himself, I’m sure of it. (pause) I’ve been telling you that all along, babe.

Andrea rolls her eyes in frustration, unwilling to start yet another argument with her fiancé over Matt.

SARAH: I’m sure we can find something to clear him.

STEVE: Do you really think so?

Andrea nods.

SARAH: We have to ... he doesn’t have anyone else pulling for him right now.

STEVE: (dismissively) If you say so ...

He takes a chomp out of the apple smugly.

STEVE (CONT’D): (to Sarah) What, do you have a thing for him?

SARAH: What?!? No!

ANDREA: Steve!

STEVE: Sorry, sorry ... it was just a joke.

SARAH: (defensively) Well, it wasn’t very funny.

Steve widens his eyes, surprised by her overly sensitive reaction, and exits the room.

ANDREA: You’ll have to excuse him. He’s kind of a jackass sometimes.

Sarah shrugs, unsure of what to say.

ANDREA (CONT’D): You’re really upset by what Steve said, aren’t you?

SARAH: Well ... he should know that I’m a married woman, and I hate for anyone to suggest that I’m being unfaithful to Brent in any way.

Andrea scans over Sarah’s face in silence for a moment as if trying to read it.

ANDREA: (astonished) You really do have a crush on Matt, don’t you?



SALLY stops by the open bathroom door, having noticed that someone has been working in there. DON follows behind her.

SALLY: Doing a little plumbing, I see?

DON: If you must know, yes.

SALLY: When did you become a handyman? If I remember correctly, you never—

DON: I can handle this, Sally.

She jumps back in mock hurt.

SALLY: Temper, temper …

Don once more assumes his position on the floor in front of the toilet and returns to working on it, hoping it will show Sally he truly is busy at the moment. As he watches her out of the corner of his eye, though, it is apparent that she is not about to take the hint. She strolls around, examining the pictures on the walls.

DON: (still fiddling with the toilet) Sally, do you mind?

SALLY: (obliviously gesturing towards a picture on the wall) Those must be your wife and daughter, right?

DON: Yes! (pause) And quite frankly, I’d rather not have either of them find you here.

SALLY: I’m not a secret, am I?

DON: Not entirely, no … but there are things that I don’t want to dredge up after all this time.

He is interrupted by a gurgling noise from the toilet. As he turns back, he sees it has begun to overflow.

DON (CONT’D): Dammit!



As the movie plays out on-screen, we see a bit of movement on the couch in the unlit room. Upon further inspection, it can be seen that JASON and COURTNEY are making out.

They continue for several moments, consumed by one another, until …

DON (OS): Dammit!

The two break apart, guiltily glancing toward the entrance to the room. Finding no one there, they both exhale deeply.

COURTNEY: What the hell was that?

JASON: Let’s go check.

They burst up off the couch. Courtney runs toward the entrance, while Jason leaps over the back of the couch in order to beat her to it. The duo heads upstairs.



A grin has spread across ANDREA’s face, but SARAH’s shows nothing but terror.

SARAH: Wh-what are you talking about?

ANDREA: You do have a little thing for Matt, huh?

SARAH: Of course not! That—that’s ridiculous!

ANDREA: (raising an eyebrow) Are you sure?

SARAH: I’m positive.

Andrea can see the discomfort in Sarah’s face.

ANDREA: Come on, Sarah, you can admit it.

Sarah opens her mouth again to protest, but instead just closes it again. A little smirk replaces the anguished look.

SARAH: Well, he is kinda cute.

ANDREA: I knew it!

SARAH: But that doesn’t mean I’m in love with him or anything! I just said he was cute.

ANDREA: And you’re right. (pause) After all, I did date him.

She sees how uncomfortable Sarah is.

ANDREA (CONT’D): What, are you scared Brent would get mad about this or something?

Sarah is unable to answer.



Having just thrown his apple core away, STEVE shuts the cabinet where the garbage pail is kept and stands. He leans on the counter, deep in thought.

STEVE: (to himself) Why can’t Sarah just let it go already? If they’ll just arrest Matt and get him out of our lives for good, I won’t have to worry about him messing with Andrea anymore.



SARAH and ANDREA are in mid-conversation.

ANDREA: You don’t really think that Brent would get mad because you thought another guy was cute … do you?

SARAH: It’s just … well, you never know. Sometimes a person can only take so much temptation before they give in to it – and I’d hate for Brent to think I’d done that.

ANDREA: You haven’t cheated on him, have you?

SARAH: No! Of course not!

ANDREA: Then why are you so panicked about this?

Sarah freezes as she recalls an incident that was actually so long ago – yet still managed to feel like it was no more than ten minutes before.



From outside, SARAH can see BRENT and MOLLY kissing.


ANDREA watches as SARAH zones out.

ANDREA: Are you okay, Sarah?

Sarah steadies herself on the couch and then sits down.

SARAH: Yeah, I am. (pause) It’s just that—well, something happened before we were married that got me worried about Brent’s commitment to me.

ANDREA: But he still married you, right?

SARAH: Yeah. That night.

ANDREA: He cheated on you on your wedding day?!?

SARAH: No. He didn’t cheat; it was just … an incident that got me worried. And we eloped that night.

ANDREA: Was it his idea? Are you sure he didn’t just suggest it out of guilt?

SARAH: No, it was mine.

She can tell by Andrea’s expression that her friend is questioning the logic in all this.

SARAH (CONT’D): I was scared I was going to lose him. I had to hold on somehow.

ANDREA: That’s not the best foundation for a marriage, Sarah. (pause) But you guys seem to have such a stable marriage. How long had you been together before that?

SARAH: (hesitantly) Less than three months.

Andrea’s eyes widen, realizing just how precarious the Taylor marriage really is.

ANDREA: I don’t mean to intrude or anything, Sarah, but – I mean, you and Brent have been arguing a lot lately.

Sarah nods, fearful of what her friend is getting at.

ANDREA (CONT’D): Are you sure it was the smartest thing in the world to marry him?



DON jumps to his feet as the toilet begins to overflow. Standing nearby, SALLY makes a horrified face.

SALLY: Oh, that is disgusting! Make it stop, Don!

DON: I don’t know how!

He steps out of the bathroom as water begins to spread across the linoleum floor.

DON (CONT’D): I need to get some towels …

Seeing the laundry room across the hall, he yanks open the dryer and pulls out a mound of clean towels. He tosses them on the floor of the hallway and then picks a few up, spreading them over the bathroom floor. Sally just looks on.

DON (CONT’D): I hope it doesn’t leak through the floor or anything. My studio is right under here.

SALLY: (intrigued) Studio?

DON: Yeah – where I paint.

SALLY: You’re a painter?

DON: Yes, I am.

He grabs several more towels, desperately trying to dry the bathroom floor.

Suddenly, COURTNEY and JASON come bounding up the stairs.

COURTNEY: Dad, what’s going on—

She cuts herself off, surprised to find a strange woman there with her father. Jason appears equally confused.

SALLY: You must be Courtney!

She extends her hand. Courtney looks at it in confusion.

COURTNEY: … And you are?

Don’s eyes bulge in panic, his daughter just a step away from learning Sally’s true identity and all the baggage that comes with it.


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